Dogs’ socialization

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What comes to mind when people mention dogs’ socialization? Most people would think of dogs playing with other dogs or with humans. Let’s take a deeper look at one of the most important factors that affect a dog’s life: socialization.

There is a lot more to socialization than just dogs and humans; it also includes meeting new objects, different experiences, sounds, smells, touch, and much more. Dogs have been brought to live in our human world, thus it is our job to introduce the human world to them. All socialization should be conducted in a controlled environment; we should never force the dog into a situation but instead guide and help the dog through every situation. The ultimate goal of socialization is to have a confident dog that is neutral to most, if not all, environments and situations.

So when is the best time to socialize a dog? The critical socialization period occurs between around 4 weeks to around 16 weeks of age, with about 80% of the dog’s social learning taking place between these 3 months. Yes, it is that short, that’s why it is called the critical period. This short 3-month period will have an impactful effect on the rest of the dog’s life.

Then what should we do during the critical period? Owners should take the puppies out as often as possible without overworking them, as rest is also a super important learning factor. This is the time to introduce the world to the puppy; everything that is usual to humans is unusual to a puppy. It might be your puppy’s first time hearing thunder or a doorbell, touching grass or metal surfaces, smelling your family, food being prepared, or walking past a jackhammer due to road construction. The first introduction is the time to guide your dog’s behavior and teach your dog that the world is not so scary; first impressions matter. Remember, our goal is to nurture a confident dog that is neutral to almost everything.

That all sounds amazing, so how do owners achieve the socialization goal? It is unavoidable that puppies will be fearful or overly excited about certain situations, how humans handle the puppy’s reaction will affect the puppy’s behavior. Pets Central North Point is introducing a brand-new puppy class, come learn about dogs with us! Sign Up Now!

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Pets Central Veterinary Academy Puppy Class  

Trainer Introduction – Vienn

Vienn is the founder of a successful dog training school in Australia, recently returned to Hong Kong, and aims to educate pet owners on canine behaviours and broaden her knowledge of dogs further. As a qualified dog trainer through NDTF (National Dog Trainers Federation) and a certified puppy instructor, Vienn has worked with and been mentored by world-class trainers, such as Boyd Hooper and Steve Mcloche. Vienn specializes in modifying canine behaviours and puppy development, as well as scent detection training. She also has years of experience with tactical working dogs, decoy work, civil training and drive development.

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Class structure

5 weeks block
1 class per week
1 hour per class
8 puppies max per class, any breed is acceptable

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 Please contact us at +852 2811 8907 for any inquiries