

歡迎來到 PETS CENTRAL 動物福利基金會

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Pets Central Animal Welfare Foundation 自 2007 年起成為香港註冊慈善機構,致力於促進寵物的福利和寵物對兒童及其父母的教育益處。基金會與非註冊慈善機構的主要動物福利團體合作並提供支持。

該基金會的重點是香港和大中華地區。 PCAWF 通過直接通過其高素質獸醫網絡開展工作、啟動和資助創新計劃來教育人們了解養育寵物和動物福利的重要性來實現這一目標。 Pets Central 獸醫網絡和 PCAWF 的聯合創始人 Pauline Taylor 博士是香港 SPCA 的前執行董事,並領導了許多動物福利計劃。

基金會將支持已在北美和歐洲取得成功但尚未在大中華區實施的寵物育兒和動物福利方面的最佳實踐。這些可能包括為父母和兒童提供的教育視聽節目、傳播和宣傳越來越多的關於與寵物一起長大的兒童的益處的研究、針對受虐待動物的計劃、動物收養計劃以及人為事件時的緊急救濟。人為和自然災害。 PCAWF 致力於與其他設在香港的動物慈善機構相輔相成,並儘可能與所有尋求在大中華區和世界各地促進和促進動物福利的人合作。


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local pet adoption welfare groups including Catherine's Pups and Kelly Animals Shelter.
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We just love this interview with Narelle Pamuk, the founder of Sai Kung Stray Friends.

As Narelle explains, the facility now serves all of Hong Kong, far and beyond Sai Kung, catering to between 100 and 130 dogs on any given day.

“All the dogs in our shelter are available for adoption,” Narelle notes. “And you are guaranteed when you adopt from Sai Kung Stray Friends that you are going to get a healthy dog, a dog that’s socialized. We are there for the adopter, not just the day you adopt the dog but going forward.”

Construction workers this week brought in a black tong gau mixed-breed dog to our Pets Central Sai Kung hospital. Unfortunately, the dog has deep wounds that became infected with maggots. This is not unusual in cases of severe neglect.

We named him Blackjack. ❤ The workers couldn’t afford to cover his treatment, so the Pets Central Animal Welfare Foundation has taken on his case, and is treating the dog for Sai Kung Stray Friends.

This is Linda. She is a stray dog who helps protect her village from wild boars. One night, she was attacked by a wild boar.

The village residents tried to help her but she ran away. After a few days, they finally caught her (Tuesday, 1 August 2017), with her wound already being eaten by maggots.